Mohawk Wisdom

“When you feel powerless that’s because you stopped listening to your own heart, that’s were power comes from”
– Gianni Crow

18 December
13:00 – 16:00 hr
Mohawk Drum Songs & Storytelling
17:00 – 20:00 hr

Mohawk Sweat lodge
Drum songs & Storytelling
Sweat lodge

Mohawk Wisdom 

We are very honored and excited to welcome another great Wisdom Keeper at Avalon!

At December 18, Jeremiah Wolf, a native American from the Mohawk tribe will share his wisdom and magic with everybody that feels the call to participate.

Jeremiah is traveling through the Netherlands to inspire people with his beautiful storytelling, drum circles, the medicine wheel and working with spirit.

In collaboration with Celine Dewy we offer two magical ceremonies:

More info: see below..

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Jeremiah works in the city of New York and lives in a reserve nearby where the Mohawk tribe has been living for centuries. 

Jeremiah is an ambassador of the Mohawk tribe. He shares the wisdom and ancestral practices with those whom feel the calling. Interesting is that Mohawk native Americans have been extensively and cooperatively  working with Dutch in the 17th Century. The Mohawk have helped our ancestors with their settlements, connecting with nature and supporting the children and women of Dutch immigrants. However, the Mohawk tribe never received full recognition for this. In commemoration of our ancestral connections, Jeremiah planted a Peace Tree at Ruigoord on November 13 2022. 


During this gathering you will learn more about drums, social dances, clan protocols & music from the Mohawk tradition. Jerry will play his instrument that will create healing vibrations in your body, your heart and your cells.

Next to these beautiful songs you will hear rare ancient native stories that contains so much wisdom. This gathering will take place in our magical yurt. 


We feel very privileged to announce that Jeremiah will be conducting a Mohawk tradition sweat lodge in our Inipi. 

Jeremiah will give this ceremony to help us connect with ourselves and the great spirit of All. This lodge will give you a deep cleanse on a physical, mental, emotional & spiritual level. Next to this you will be learning traditional Mohawk songs and have the opportunity to rebirth from the womb, what the sweat lodge actually is. 


The wisdom and knowlegde of Mother Earth that are carried and passed through generations in the indigenous tribes are crucial for the future existence of our planet.

We want to keep pointing out how special and inspiring it is that Wisdom Keepers, like Jeremiah, want to share their knowledge and gifts with us. They take major risks and make big investments to help us raising our consciousness. It’s especially admirable that they come to the homeland of our ancestors whom caused in many cases great harm to their ancestors and their offspring. 

Come share this loving energy in ceremony and let’s build the new earth together.

Cancellation policy: please be mindful reserving your spot. If you can’t make it. Please let us know asap so we can invite more people from the waiting list. 

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