

“Follow your own feet, learn from the rivers, trees, and rocks, honor yourself and all creation” – The Andean Paqo Shaman


‘Kawsay Pacha Nuevo Tiempo’ means ‘New Earth, New Times). In this workshop Paqo Shaman Don Alejandro teaches us about the Energies of the New World we are entering and how to connect with it.

We are proud to announce that Don Alejandro from the Qero Nation, the last Inca town in Cusco, one of the most sacred places on planet Earth, located in Peru, will be on the lands of Avalon again. 

This time with two workshops on Saturday and Sunday and availability for personal healings on Friday and Monday. You can find these on our gatheringspage.

More info: see below.

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19 november 2023

10:00u – 17:00u

€ 145,- 
(€25 deposit, €120 cash)



This day Don Alejandro will teach about the Kawsay Energy, the energy of the new times and new earth, and learn how to connect with it. Don Alejandro zegt “no discuter, solo Munay!”: No discussion, only Love!

Everything is energy and everything is connected. Don Alejandro knows life in Kawsay, the Qeros from Peru know it. The Paqos have a pure and powerful Connection with the 3 Worlds. They are called the Masters of the Living Energy. They already live according to the Kawsay energy.

To achieve what you want to manifest, you need to… learn to connect with the Energy of the new Worlds. Don Alejandro will share the Inca Kallpa Meditation with us to do this.

When you start your day with this meditation you create good Kawsay. After all, you show respect to the 3 Worlds and all the Elements. Also regularly spend time outside in Nature and connect with Pachamama and the 3 Worlds helps to bring good Kawsay; “Kawsay ta Kowani” means Give me Life.

In this workshop Don Alejandro will talk about the 3 Worlds: 1) Uchu Pacha; the underworld with the water; Mama Cocha. By showing respect to the Water and the Spirit of the Water, Mama Serena, you create good Kawsay and you can work with the energy of the Uchu Pacha, for example to cleanse yourself or someone else from hucha, heavy energy. 2) Kawsay Pacha; the Middle world, here at Pachamama, the Kay Pacha. For Pachamama, Madre Tierra, all People and Animals, Nature. 3) And the Light from the Hanaq Pacha, the Upper World, with all elements, Tai Tai Inti, Father Sun, Mama Killa, Mother Moon, Mama Chaska, the Stars. Don Alejandro will also share about this world and you will understand that the Light from the Hanaq Pacha is nourishing for your Soul.

The message is: You too belong to the 3 Worlds, the Connections with the others Worlds is always there and you learn to connect with it again. Don Alejandro will help us make those Connections through a Meditation and Ceremony. So that you can move forward more consciously, and make those Connections again and again open your heart and share, heal yourself further!


Paqo means Master of The Pachamama, Apus sacred mountains, and other sacred spirits from nature. A Paqo honors and interacts with the spirits of the Incas and their ancestors in order to maintain the Cosmic Order. Being a master Paqo means to help the community with a natural philosophy of life-based in-heart wisdom

One of the most important teachings of the beautiful Cosmo-vision of the Paqo’s is gratefulness for everything that our beautiful Mother Earth (Pachamama) gives us. Sacred Reciprocity is woven into their whole way of living and – among other rituals – through making a Despacho the Paqo’s show their gratefulness to Pachamama.


Don Alejandro Apaza Machacca is a Maestro Chumpi Healer and Paqo Pampamesayok uit Quico. He is one of the last descendants of the Inca’s, a special lineage of Paqo’s. 

Don Alejandro’s father, Son Santos, his grand-father Don Ifratio, and great-grand-father Don Nicolas, among other family members bring messages to Don Alejandro on a regular base through his dreams and visions.

It is in this time of Huge Transformation that Don Alejandro can transfer the Wisdom and Knowlegde of the Apaza Lineage to them that want to work with him. Transformations in Pachamama, the world, ourselves; his unique view on what’s going on has helped many of us to look from different perspectives, to truly let go, to heal and to transform.

He has about 50 years of experience as a Paqo (master) helping people from his community and now in other countries too. 


Don Alejandro also offers also personal healings on Friday 17th of November and Monday 19th of November.

When you come to Don Alejandro he will ask you what it is he can help you with? It is good to look at yourself honestly. Don Alejandro always says “everyone has something, no one is free from ‘hucha’ (=heavy energy)”. This could be anger, jealousy, sadness, illness, feeling tense, worry about something, you lack self-confidence or live with a trauma or fear etc. Liberation from worries and fears, traumas, lack of self-confidence, “why am I here?”, clearing up ancestral lines, and themes around work, home, money, relationships, bereavement are a number of themes the Paqos can help you with. 

To book a personal healing, check this page: 

Please reserve your spot via the link below!

Cancellation policy: please be mindful reserving your spot. If you can’t make it. Please let us know asap so we can invite more people from the waiting list. Do you cancel within 3 days of the event then we can’t reimburse your deposit. 

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